Monday, December 20, 2010

Street Preaching: Is it in the Bible?

by Patte Smith on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 7:14pm

"Street preaching. . . is it Biblical?"

Not because it is always fruitful, or comfortable or for that matters safe. But because it is the Word of God, and the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation and we are commanded to.

Matthew 5 Jesus sermon on the mount taught them openly

Jesus went out by the sea and taught them, Mark 2

Again Jesus teaches them open air by the sea, Mark 4 And calls them in Mark 4, preaching calling the to repent

Again out by the Jordan Jesus taught them openly Mark 10

And then when sending out the 12 to the villages tells them to preach Matt 10

Matt 11 He goes to the villages to preach

Jesus said, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." Luke 14:23

Acts 8:25 they went preaching the gospel in many villages

Day of Pentecost was open air preaching Acts 2 Acts 10:42 the disciples declare Jesus told them to preach to the people.

Pauls says Acts 20:20 ". . . I taught you publicly. . ."

Romans 10:15 says that people must be sent preaching that the lost would hear.

Titus 1:3 manifested His Word through preaching

2 Timothy 4:2 is a call and command to preach the Word

Dozens of dozens of verses could be considered, and there is no escape that true believers in Jesus Christ are called to share the gospel at all times and in every place, and preach the gospel. The only way to avoid the clear call to go and make disciples, to share the gospel and to preach the Word, is to never pick up the Bible and read the New Testament for oneself, for after this, one is either exhorted and encouraged, or convicted of sins of omission.

Rich Monson

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Amen and amen. If Jesus did it, surely we wouldn't call it unbiblical!